The Team

Dr Kathryn Owler (Company Director)

Today, Kathryn plays an active role in Joyworkz delivering in-house Wellness Seminars to organisations and teams. She has also recently become the director of The Happiness at Work Coach, providing coaching for groups and individuals on ways to enjoy their work more. Kathryn is also passionate about work-life balance; her current interests include flute playing, her puppy, walking and learning te reo Māori. 

Ross Thomson (Company Director)

Ross has become very experienced in the delivery of preventative solutions for workplace wellness issues as a Workstation assessor (both face to face and remote) and now provides Workstation assessor training and  Onsite or remote ergonomic seminar. Current interests include walking, pilates and learning the piano. 

Kerry Granger (Occupational Health Nurse)

Kerry provides Occupational health services for Joyworkz, monitoring the health of workers in order to avoid any negative impact of work on their long term health.